



标签: 高频短语

admin2019-6-18 发布

admin最后回复 2019-6-18 20:45


admin2019-6-19 发布

admin最后回复 2019-6-19 13:10


admin2019-6-19 发布

admin最后回复 2019-6-19 20:18


91talk2019-6-19 发布

murmur最后回复 2019-6-20 12:00


91talk2019-6-20 发布

91talk最后回复 2019-6-20 16:45


91talk2019-6-23 发布

91talk最后回复 2019-6-23 01:18


91talk2019-6-23 发布

91talk最后回复 2019-6-23 15:46


91talk2019-6-26 发布

91talk最后回复 2019-6-26 12:28


91talk2019-7-2 发布

91talk最后回复 2019-7-2 18:29


91talk2019-7-10 发布

steve最后回复 2019-7-10 02:09


91talk2019-7-10 发布

91talk最后回复 2019-7-10 17:30


forumaster2019-7-12 发布

forumaster最后回复 2019-7-12 01:04


forumaster2019-7-12 发布

forumaster最后回复 2019-7-12 01:51


murmur2019-7-13 发布

murmur最后回复 2019-7-13 07:36


91talk2019-7-14 发布

91talk最后回复 2019-7-14 23:50


91talk2019-7-14 发布

91talk最后回复 2019-7-14 23:53


91talk2019-7-14 发布

51learn最后回复 2019-7-18 19:37


91talk2019-7-14 发布

91talk最后回复 2019-7-14 23:59


91talk2019-8-12 发布

91talk最后回复 2019-8-12 00:13


91talk2020-3-1 发布

esqyang最后回复 2020-3-27 19:24


热度 1 91talk 2020-11-30 19:55
Five-card draw. Nothing wild. 五张牌 老规矩 Five-card draw. Nothing wild. 五张抽 不允许百搭牌 Dr. Goldfine: And you understand I have to treat this as a session. 请理解我得把这次算在疗程里 Bree: Of course. That's fine. 当然 没关系的 ------ Shall I include the meal? 我需要承担餐费吗 Dr. Goldfine: Oh, no. We'll split that. 不用 我们各付各的 ------ They are only holding the suite minute for me until two. 那间套房只能预留到两点 ------ Determined her boys would not miss their fairy-tale debut, 为了让她的儿子顺利地登上舞台 ------ Lynette had stayed up 18 hours straight, sewing. 勒奈特连续做了18个小时的针线活 ------ And just so you know, next spring, 通知你一下 明年春天 ------ when we do Bambi, 我们的孩子来演小鹿斑比的时候 ------ his mother's gonna take a slug to the heart他们的妈妈将会被枪击中 ------ and you're gonna like it. 你会乐在其中的 ------ The way they dealt with adversity, 包括他们面对困境的方式 ------ conducted illicit affairs, 处理不正当的婚外情 ------ endured domestic dramas, 忍受不断的家庭闹剧 ------ and planned romantic conquests. 对浪漫的无限憧憬 ------ But since my death, 但是自从我去世之后 Susan: Well, you sort of interrupted our first date. 其实第一次就被你打断了 ------ But up until then, smoking-hot tension. 在这之前都是剑拨驽张 ------ Sounds pathetic, I know. 听起来没什么希望 我知道 Paul:Let me help /give you a hand. 让我来帮你吧 Lynette:You know, I coundn’t help but notice how wonderful you’re with those children. 我实在是有点情不自禁,你和孩子们很合得来嘛 ------Exploring options is the whole point of being separated. 分居不就是为了尝试新的选择吗 Bree: Options! I'm not a mutual fund, Rex. 选择! 雷克斯,我又不是共有基金 Helen:It's not even close to be(ing over). 想结束 还早着呢 Julie:I would not talk to you while you're freaking out. 你正在气头上 我不想跟你说 Susan:One thing is clear. You are not allowed to see him anymore. 有一点需要明确 不许你再跟他见面 Lawyer2:We're not prepared to discuss the 我们现在还不打算 ------ primary residence at this time. 讨论主要住所的问题 I, uh... had a standing order with the florist thing. 我在花店签了长期订单
个人分类: 学习笔记|334 次阅读|0 个评论
After the intermission:节日过后高频短语制作人员招募
owenlee 2020-10-8 22:57
Deal All: How's everything going during the intermission? Did you continue with the effort of learning, or probably took this chance to have a soothing and relaxing break? Let me firstly share with you what we have done: During the short break, we have collected more than 400 frenquently used words, pharases and expressions, and sorted it out based on different categories and student levels ranging from pre-intermediate to advanced. Furthermore, we've been gathering definitions and examples of targeted phrases and idioms from reliable dictionaries and extracting respective and correspondent clips by taking avantage of our extensive movie and TV-show database, or in other word, corpus. Please refer to the link as follows: A list of commonly used words and phrases: https://www.yylls.com/app/index.php?i=2c=entryid=8do=lessonm=fy_lessonv2 A detailed explanation of a commonly used phrase, for instance: "Ulterior Motive" https://www.91talk.com/thread-91-1-1.html With the advancement of 5G technology, I believe that the time has come to accord this great project as the most practical resource that no one has finished to do so. Although the idea is not fresh, as I would like to call it a variant situational-based learning methodology based on second language acquisition theories. According to a survey which conducted by NTL Institute, they have concluded that: 90% of what they learn when they teach someone else/use immediately. 75% of what they learn when they practice what they learned. 50% of what they learn when engaged in a group discussion. 30% of what they learn when they see a demonstration. 20% of what they learn from audio-visual. 10% of what they learn when they've learned from reading. As you can tell from the above-referred examples, the effectiveness and functionality is ineed unprecedentedly informative. Besides, the interests and enthusiasm of a subject that you like, the resonance and interaction with like-minded people, the involvement and participation of group discussion, the oppotunity that you've given the chance to impart...these elements will significantly add up to your success. We still need two days to complete uploading the 100+ words and phrases in wechat public account. Meanwhile, we're short of hands of editing and sloting the entries in our newly created website: 91talk.com. Now we are about to embark on the greatest adventure that ESL English learning has ever known, your webmaster Owen has formed precise modules and patterns, yet we have neither chart or guidance to demonstrate every single step of how each word and phrase are being selected, extracted and compiled. Anyway, I'd be happy to oblige in terms of interpreting how I generated this idea, what needs to be done, how much work left, when could it be materialize, etc... If you're interested in helping us to complete this project, please contact Owen via wechat. We want to enlist 3 candidates for the task:
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