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[英文歌曲] 王菲《容易受伤的女人》英文版









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发表于 2019-9-29 22:20:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

《容易受伤的女人》是王菲从美国返港并重新踏入乐坛而发行的唱片《COMING HOME》中的歌曲。这张唱片一推出即断市,销量冲破白金,碟内的《容易受伤的女人》,横扫全港,更在各电视台的音乐颁奖礼中,勇夺金曲,声势可谓一时无两,令她一举跃入香港一线女歌手的行列。


《容易受伤的女人》是王菲于1992年下半年,从美国返港并重新踏入乐坛而发行的唱片《COMING HOME》中的歌曲。这首歌是王菲翻唱日本歌后中岛みゆき(中岛美雪)70年代末的作品《口红》(ルージュ),作曲Miyuki Nakajima中岛美雪。这是《容易受伤的女人》的英文翻唱版,由Annie Lenno翻唱。中文版细腻悠远,淡淡忧伤中弥漫着点点哀愁,唱出了女人的辛酸与愁苦,更表达出了一种执着和顽强。英文版本别具一番风味。


容易受傷的女人 (英文版) -- Keep on loving you

I have been waiting for the time

waiting for you to say you're mine

can't hide these feelings inside

let me hold you tonight

I really want you to know

all these feelings i have to show

how much i've been loving you

tell me you'll be mine

gonna love you keep on loving you dear

I will love you till the end of time

I will be with you no matter what happens

I will be there by your side

I will hold you hold you here in my arms

I will promise i won't let you go

stay with me

make all love dreams come true

I will give you all i have

cause you mean the whole world to me

I will love you with my heart

and we'll never part

I have been waiting for the time

waiting for you to say you're mine

can't hide these feelings inside

let me hold you tonight

I really want you to know

all these feelings I have to show

how much I've been loving you

tell me you'll be mine

gonna love you keep on loving you dear

I will love you till the end of time

I will be with you no matter what happens

I will be there by your side

I will hold you hold you here in my arms

I will promise i won't let you go

stay with me

make all love dreams come true

I will give you all i have

cause you mean the whole world to me

I will love you with my heart

and we'll never part

gonna love you keep on loving you dear

I will love you till the end of time

I will be with you no matter what happens

I will be there by your side

I will hold you hold you here in my arms

I will promise i won't let you go

stay with me

make all love dreams come true

I will give you all i have

cause you mean the whole world to me

i will love you with my heart

and we'll never part


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