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[商务剧集] 看美剧《硅谷》学地道俚语及商务词汇









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发表于 2023-8-25 11:58:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
背景介绍:Richard团队创办的文件压缩公司“Pied Piper”刚有了点起色,便被之前想要收购他们的互联网巨头“Hooly”起诉侵权,互利公司除了实力雄厚而且还收容并利用了他们初创团队的“Big Head”,这场官司打下去将对Richard团队非常不利,毕竟小公司耗不起。Richard的孵化主Erlich也是屋漏偏逢连夜雨,在房产经纪人的怂恿下,打算将自己的房子卖掉。

正当Erlich大发牢骚时,Pied Pier提供压缩算法技术支持的一档真人秀突然有了起色,该节目出乎意料变得非常惊险刺激,在得到了个别媒体及Twitter“大V”的推荐后,观看用户数成倍增长,在彼时视频直播技术仍然停留在稚形的年代,作为平台技术支持方,Pied Pier的影响力迅速提高。然而,小荷才露尖尖角的Pied Pier命运多舛,与Hooly的官司一旦失败,则有可能被这头大鳄吃掉,连骨头都不剩……是黯然退场,还是死扛到底呢?我们试目以待吧:


Richard:Wait. You’re selling the house just like that? 等下  你就这样把房子卖了

Erlich:It wasn’t a rash decision. I agonized over it. 那不是草率行事  做这决定我很心痛

Jared:But what about your incubator? 但你的孵化器怎么办

Erlich:What about it, Jared? 你说呢  贾里德

——— Pied Piper has caked its pants, ‘魔笛手’已经屁滚尿流了

——— Jian-Yang’s chances of investment 杨靖拿到的投资机会

——— have literally gone up in smoke, 真正可以说是随烟飘散了

——— and you heard what Monahan said in court yesterday. 你也听到了昨天莫纳汉在法庭上的话

——— Market forces and random events have conspired against me 市场力量和随机事件都与我对立

——— to make the success of my incubator all but impossible. 让我的孵化器毫无成功的可能

——— Functionally, all I’ve really achieved 说到底  我其实运营了

——— is running a flop house where guys have shat, 一家廉租房  在这里人们吃喝拉撒

——— jerked off, and paid me no rent. 吹牛撸管  而且从来没付过我房租

Video Performer:Why won’t anyone come get me? 为什么没有人来救我

Dinesh:Well, we have accomplished one other thing. 至少我们做成了一件事

——— We’re up over 20,000 viewers. 已经有超过两万人在观看了

Richard:Holy shit. Really? 我操  真的吗

Dinesh:BuzzFeed linked to us. ‘BuzzFeed’上有我们的链接

——— Now we’re picking up on Reddit.’Reddit’ 有关于我们的帖子

——— This guy falling off a cliff is the first good luck we’ve had. 这家伙跌下悬崖是我们第一次开始走运

——— And right as we’re gaining attraction, 但就在我们引起世人注意时

——— we have to hand it all over to Gavin fucking Belson. 我们却必须把公司拱手让给傻逼盖文·贝尔森

——— This is fucked. 真他妈的

Bertram:We can’t give it to him…我们没法给他

——— if we don’t have it to give. 如果东西不在我们手上的话

Richard:What do you mean? 你这是什么意思

——— We do have it, and we have to give it. 平台确实在我们手上  我们必须给他

Bertram:100% of what he’s trying to take from us 他想从我们手里夺走的一切

——— exists digitally on servers in this house. 都存储在这屋子里的服务器中

——— If we nuke them, there’s nothing for him to seize. 如果我们清掉服务器  那他就什么都拿不到

——— As far as he knows, it’s an accident. 然后告诉他这一切都是意外

Richard:No one would believe that. 没人会信的

Bertram:Two weeks ago, we accidentally erased 两周前  我们意外删掉了

——— one-third of Intersite’s entire library. ‘色界’三分之一的视频数据

Dinesh:I think we’ve established our ineptitude 我想别人已经认为我们

——— beyond a reasonable doubt. 粗心大意到无可救药的地步

——— Fuck it. 管他呢

Jared:I say we delete everything. 我说不如把所有东西都删了

Richard:No. No. No. No. 不  不  不行

——— Guys, that’s not what we do. We don’t destroy things. 伙计们  我们不是这种人  不毁掉东西

——— Not on purpose, anyway. 至少不是故意为之

——— Right? Isn’t that the whole reason 对吗  你们一开始

——— why you got into this in the first place, 加入这公司  不就是为了

——— to build cool shit? 创造点牛逼的东西吗

——— I mean, look at that livestream. It’s fucking perfect. 看看这在线视频  真他妈完美

——— And even if Hooli ends up owning it, 即便最后这公司归’互利’所有

——— we built it with no resources 我们是白手起家

——— and a fucking stream of endless obstacles. 而且克服了无穷无尽的障碍

——— I don’t know, I mean, I kind of want to see how big it can get, 我也说不清  我有点想看能做到多大规模

——— right up until the point where Gavin Belson 直到盖文·贝尔森横插一脚

——— has to fucking take it from us. 把’魔笛手’据为所有

Jared:Guys, who is Manny “Pa-qui-oh”? 伙计  曼尼·帕块喔是谁

Bertram:Pacquiao? He’s one of the most famous people on the planet Earth. 帕奎奥  他是地球上最有名的人之一

Jared:Oh! Manny Pacquiao, the Filipino legislator. 曼尼·帕奎奥  那个菲律宾立法委员

Richard:No, boxer. 不  拳击手

Jared:Okay, well, he just tweeted a link to our livestream, 好吧  他刚才微博发了我们在线视频的链接

——— and he has almost two million followers. 他有将近两百万粉丝

Bertram:Oh, fuck. 我操

——— Oh, fuck. We got to scale up 我操  我们得提高运算能力

——— if we’re going to handle that kind of traffic. 这样才能搞定这么多的在线流量

Dinesh:I’m gonna compress the Manifests. 我来压缩资源配置文件

Richard:I’ll kill the highest bitrate to give us more headroom. 我来中止最高的带宽  以留出更多动态余量


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