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发表于 2023-11-7 17:16:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
《金装律师》是一部美国电视系列剧,征服了全球数百万观众的心。这部法律剧由阿伦·科什(Aaron Korsh)创作,于2011年首播,并在2019年结束了九季的连载。这部剧的持久受欢迎程度可以归因于其引人入胜的故事情节、难以忘怀的角色以及对法律世界的独特诠释。



《金装律师》的核心在于其基本情节——一个高风险的纽约市律师事务所,聘用了一名大学辍学生Mike Ross作为法律顾问,尽管他没有法学学位。该剧探讨了野心、道德伦理以及企业法律世界内的权力动态。Mike Ross的超强记忆力和与他虚假的资历相配的法律天赋,为故事情节增添了令人兴奋的层次。

《金装律师》的一大亮点是其塑造精彩的角色。由加布里埃尔·马赫特(Gabriel Macht)扮演的Harvey Specter是一位富有魅力、机智敏锐、无畏无惧的律师,他是该剧的主人公。他对Patrick J. Adams扮演的Mike Ross的指导构成了本剧的情感核心。他们复杂的师徒关系是该剧的中心,Harvey需要应对管理Mike的秘密以及保护自己职业生涯的挑战。

除了法律剧情, 《金装律师》还深入探讨了角色的个人生活。在办公室内外的关系和竞争,为故事增加了深度和情节。Harvey和他的忠实秘书Donna之间的浪漫紧张关系是观众喜爱的副情节。此外,Rick Hoffman扮演的Louis Litt通过他的大而不凡的个性,为该剧增添了幽默和脆弱性。




总之, 《金装律师》是一部吸引观众的电视剧,以其引人入胜的情节、精心塑造的角色、机智的对话和道德困境的探讨而引人注目。它提供了一个独特的窗口,让观众深入了解高风险法律世界,提供了令人兴奋且发人深思的观看体验。
"Suits" is an American television series that has captured the hearts of millions of viewers around the world. This legal drama, created by Aaron Korsh, first premiered in 2011 and ran for nine seasons, concluding in 2019. The show's enduring popularity can be attributed to its engaging storyline, memorable characters, and a unique take on the world of law.

The heart of "Suits" lies in its central premise – a high-stakes law firm in New York City that recruits a college dropout, Mike Ross, as a legal consultant despite his lack of a law degree. The show explores themes of ambition, ethics, and the power dynamics within a cutthroat corporate legal world. The juxtaposition of Mike Ross's photographic memory and innate legal talent against his fraudulent qualifications adds an exciting layer to the narrative.

One of the standout elements of "Suits" is its well-drawn characters. Harvey Specter, portrayed by Gabriel Macht, is a charismatic, sharp-witted, and fearless lawyer who serves as the show's protagonist. His mentorship of Mike Ross, played by Patrick J. Adams, forms the emotional core of the series. Their complex, mentor-mentee relationship is central to the show, as Harvey navigates the challenges of managing Mike's secret while protecting his own career.

Beyond the legal drama, "Suits" also delves into the personal lives of the characters. Relationships and rivalries, both in and out of the office, provide additional depth and intrigue. The romantic tension between Harvey and Donna, his fiercely loyal secretary played by Sarah Rafferty, is a fan-favorite subplot. Additionally, Louis Litt, portrayed by Rick Hoffman, adds humor and vulnerability to the show with his larger-than-life personality.

"Suits" is renowned for its clever dialogue, witty banter, and unforgettable one-liners. The legal jargon and fast-paced exchanges between characters create an atmosphere of intellectual intensity that keeps viewers hooked. The show strikes a balance between high-stakes courtroom battles and the character-driven drama outside the courtroom, providing a multifaceted viewing experience.

As "Suits" unfolds, it explores issues of integrity and ethics in the legal profession. The characters often face moral dilemmas, challenging them to make choices that will define their careers and personal lives. This exploration of ethical complexity is one of the show's compelling aspects, allowing viewers to reflect on the choices they might make in similar situations.

The success of "Suits" lies not only in its storytelling but also in its portrayal of the corporate world. It showcases the cutthroat nature of the legal profession, with characters engaging in power struggles, manipulation, and often bending or breaking the rules to achieve their goals. This reflection of real-world corporate dynamics resonates with a wide audience.

In summary, "Suits" is a television show that captivated audiences with its intriguing plot, well-developed characters, witty dialogue, and exploration of ethical dilemmas. It provides a unique window into the world of high-stakes law, offering viewers a thrilling and thought-provoking experience.

One of USA Network’s longest running show, the series premiered on 23rd June 2011. Suits is based on a fictional law firm in New York, where characters- Mike Ross (Patrick J. Adams) and Harvey Specter (Gabriel Macht) trick their entrants into closing cases for themselves and the firm. The show revolves around this major plot, also gravitating an enigmatic sub-plot where Mike has to hide his real identity in the firm; for he never happened to have graduated from Harvard!
This American Legal Drama Television series has been nominated for two People’s Choice Awards, with Patrick Adams and Gina Torres receiving several laurels for their extraordinary performances. It’s extremely entertaining and is much “lit” in terms of screenplay and dialogue delivery. The show has also generated a South Korean and Japanese adaptation.
The main characters include:
  • Rick Hoffman As Louis Litt
  • Meghan Markle As Rachael Zane
  • Sarah Rafferty As Donna Paulsen
  • Gina Torres As Jessica Pearson
  • Patrick J. Adams As Mike Ross
  • Gabriel Macht As Harvey Specter
  • David Costabile As Daniel Hardman
  • Vanessa Ray As Jenny Griffith
  • Tom Lipinski As Trevor
  • Rebecca Schull As Edith Ross
Table of Contents

30+ Amazing Suits Poster Collections
We bring you the best of suits poster collection! Skim through and tune out!
1. Harvey Specter
Harvey happens to be the right hand to the fictional law firm and in return to Jessica, who owns it. Harvey’s ratiocination and quick repartee while solving all his cases, make him look no less than James Bond himself. He truly takes us all in awe with his stupendous personality.
2. Mike Ross
An orphan who has the responsibility of taking care of his sick grandmother, Mike gets hired by Harvey into the lawsuit firm only because there’s no one like him. Though playing a fraud, his love angle with Rachael along with his rare talent make him a character worth praising.
3. Rachael Zane
The “Paralegal” who slays it, let’s say all the time. There’s no one like her. despite her phobia for the LSATs. Her love scenario with Mike is sure to have us all welled up in utmost awe!
4. Jessica Pearson
The Lady boss who’s nothing but the best when it comes to running a firm with a turnover of Millions of Dollars. Her duet with Harvey is worth watching for they keep it ‘classy’ even when they’re struggling to make the ends to meet.
5. Louis Litt
He’s the perfect anti-heroic figure that the series could have ever come up with. His wit and queer anecdotes make him a character that’s too smart to be a buffoon.
6. Donna Paulsen
‘Donna knows it all’. Who wouldn’t want a secretary who knows you in and out and hands you the best of advice. Moreover, her acting blows you off completely. What could have Harvey every done without her!
7. Daniel Hardman
Appears out of nowhere, he’s truly a pain in the ass for Jessica and the firm. Not to mention that Harvey hates him.
8. Trevor
He’s best described by Harvey as the anchor the ‘pulls down Mike along with him’. Trevor continues to create minor havocs in Mike’s life who always end up helping him. Trevor’s contacts with the underworld and his drug-dealing habits have his life in trouble along with that of Mike- Always!
9. Edith Ross
The perfect Granny to Mike. she’s the one who brought him up after his parents’ death. Her wit and understanding make her look much younger than her age.
10. Jenny
Her character is a little ambiguous when it comes to making progress. However, on one hand, she’s instrumental in bringing Mike and Rachael together, on the other hand, it is she who also sabotages the friendship between Mike and Trevor.
11. Korean Adaption Of Suits
12. Newspapers Talk About It!13. The Core Team Of Suits
14. The Perfect Duo
Quoting Harvey, “If he go, I go”; and that goes for Mike too for he’s ready to give up his all for Harvey!
15. Mike Ross Proposes Rachael For A Relationship And Later, To Be His Wife- Indeed The Perfect Couple!
Well, this sounds really amazing when you know the destination and not the journey. These love birds have been a part of a roller-coaster ride before they were finally betrothed to be each others!
16. Mike And Rachael Are Getting Married
And the ‘Best Couple’ ever, finally gets married!
17. Donna Loves Harvey
Donna gave up her all to protect Harvey and always stuck beside him through thick and thin. She knows him in and out and loves him truly.
18. Harvey’s World
Harvey loves to spend money- on decorating his home and on cars. After all, he earns in millions!
19. “I win. That’s What I Do” – Harvey
Harvey always wins! Not to forget, he also loves to play it fair.
20. Donna Helping Rachael To Get Over Mike
Mike doesn’t want to let his little secret out, and also doesn’t want to hurt Rachael. Mike’s dicey behavior leaves Rachael no choice than to get over him.
21. Cause It’s Hard To Beat Donna!
22. Courtroom Scenes
Like Harvey said, “Cut a trial or I’ll see you in the court!”
23. Pearson Hardman Library
24. Mike And Harvey- The Pair That Works The Best
25. Famous Quotes By Harvey
26. Quotes By Harvey
27. Harvey Hiring Mike Ross
Harvey hires Mike Ross because he could beat him. Despite not having attended Harvard Law School, Mike becomes Harvey’s favorite, and of course, soon Jessica’s too!
28. Most Famous Line By Donna
29. The Famous ‘Suits’ Poster
30. Scotty And Harvey Heat It up
Scotty shares a sexual relationship with Harvey, which soon got him into trouble. However, Harvey’s winning tactics got better of them both, only to find out Scotty’s marriage in a month, that brought him real gloom.
31. Suits Poster: Tension Between Harvey And Donna
32. Extra #1
33. Extra #2: Suits Poster
Final Thoughts
Suits is surely the longest running show in the USA. The show currently also streams on Netflix. With Season 8 around the corner, the show is still under a love loved to debate.
We hope to have made you fall head over in heals with love with the show that consists of let’s say- A stupendous bunch of cast. Hope You’ll love the same when you personally take time to binge watch. Also, don’t forget to look at the amazing suits poster collection!
Happy watching!


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