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[视频号] 商务英语大会演讲及介绍嘉宾例文









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2020-10-7 12:54:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
On behalf of our President and CEO, GregCase,
and our chief marketing officer, PhilClement,
it's a real honor for Aon to be the sponsorof this event today.
And for many of you, you might know thatAon
is now a UK-based company,
but it's also important for you to know
that the Aon Foundation, for the past 25years,
has made it a priority to supporteducational activities and
cultural institutions like the ChicagoHumanities Festival
and the Charter Humanist Circle,
that does so much to enrich the lives ofall of us in this room
and everybody in Chicago.
And even though we're now in the UK,
I want everybody in this room to know
that we intend to continue this commitment,
and it will remain high on our prioritylist for the things we do
to support the community of Chicago formany years to come.
On behalf of my colleagues at Aon,
I want to thank the Charter Humanist Circleand its members
for their very valuable support,
and I also want to thank NorthwesternUniversity Law School
for allowing us to use the auditoriumtoday.

At Aon, we believe in the mantra "Ifwe can't measure it, we don't do it."

And because of that, it's a real honor forus to be here supporting and introducing Dr. Philip Kotler.

Dr. Kotler has defined marketing as "thescience and art of exploring, creating, and delivering value to satisfy theneeds of a target market at a profit."

He is recognized around the world as one ofthe foremost experts on business, of marketing, and for his insights on howexemplary marketing has the creativity and the power to influence globalconsumers every day.

In that spirit, I hope you'll join me inwelcoming Dr. Philip Kotler.
Now before I turn the microphone over toDr. Kotler,
in the spirit of marketing, maybe many ofyou in this room know
that Aon does a great many things globally,but one of the things
that we've done that has created tremendousbrand awareness for our firm
is our sponsorship of Manchester Unitedfootball team,
which by today won 2 to 1 versus Arsenal
We're at…Right now we're at the top of thepremiere league.


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