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热度 16 owenlee 2021-11-24 14:35
我们这个群人不多,但都是经过多次过滤的,我感到很骄傲,这个群里已然是藏龙卧虎。这里面随便拉一个人出来,都可能是小学、初中、高中、大学的英语老师,他们在英语教育领域都有自己专业的见解。只不过,因为我这个群主的存在,暂时抢了他们的风头而已。这些见解分享出来,可能对我们以及我们的孩子都有帮助,他们不像我,他们有自己正常的工作和家庭需要打理,而我没有给自己留退路。 在这个群里,我愿意做一支带刺的瘤莲:臭名昭著,但营养丰富; 我愿做一杯呛人的酒:微微细品,它醍醐灌顶; 我愿做一本不带装裱的书,满目疮痍,然啧啧称奇。 Though this group seemed short of desity, all of the people here are sifted through mutiple-layers, I am so proud that this group is full of well-educated minds. If you go for a blind date, chances are you're gonna make acuqience with different types of teachers. kidgarden, primary school, middle school, high school, college, as well as training center English teacher, for whom I believe that they all have unique insights and valuable exptertise. Yes, this group is a total package, I mean full of well-educated minds. It is because of Me, as a group founder, stole their thunder. Their respective knowledge might sheld light on all of us, better still, our kids. Unlike me, they're leading a healthy and ordinary life, they have their own family and a boring job to attend. But I have aleady driven myself to the point of desperation and explosion, I had no way out until I succeed. decided on stepping out the family without taking a penny but my child. Among this group, I'd like to serve as a barbed durian, notorious on the outside but nutritious on the inside, or a strong liquor, suck one bite, you appreciate the height; or an uncovered book, baldness all over the eye, but brightness under the sky.
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