



标签: 小班群



owenlee 2020-10-7 22:54
Let me once again state clearly about the objective of this course. Well, the main objective of this course is to build up the awareness of how important a word "constituents" playing a major part of English language so as to enrich your vocabulary as well as idiomatic expressions. English is like a premium stock, everybody knows it. The thing is there're only a small fraction of people yield considerable profit from it. Why? Because it only not demands long standing possession but consistent interaction as well. So if you don't take it seriouly, that means you're gonna end up with a amateur or dilettante, However, I know perfectly well we're all adults, we've got younger generations to provide, we've got old generations to support, we've got inevitable social activities to attend, not to mention the heavy company workload and tedious household chores. Regardless the excuses are dispensable or not, if you have something imperative or Paramount to be dealt with, just notice me in advance, it's Okay, everyone has one of those days, I won't say that you don't have a positive attitude. All I'm asking is that once you're here, please devote youself into the process, take the initiative, be a main actor or actress, if you rough it, you're gonna wind up with no progress. Still, one word I would like to restate here is "mingle", which I believe the there of your ladies truly did an excellent job except Linda. So yesterday, I offered her a stepping stone to back out of the dilemma, and I thought this is a more or less graceful way for her to pull out of the group. You might think it is kind of tough, but I have to point out there's no middle ground when it comes to effective management. "Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way." BTW, I think you all remember Anna, right? The lady one who taught us prononcation and intonation skills, she's a real beneficiary of TV-shows in terms of technical part, but we had an agurement based on how to deliver the course, my point is to tell a story in detail regarding the experiences of what she had gone through and give us a general picture of how she grasped the esstensial tips, since, you know, people like to hear stories in a recruitment stage rather than having involved too early in the practitioner stage. I told her there're abundant resources all over the internet, it doen't take much to obtain video cources in regard to Pronoucation and Intonation, so that means we have to produce something unique and intresting, but she wouldn't listen, so I cancelled the agreement. Okay, that's it! I would also like to take this oppotunity to share with you concerning our next move, so after finished season one of Desperate Housewives seminar, we're gonna take a break, in the meantime, I hope you could finish the book project that I had assigned you, of course, I will also be involved in adding up the study notes and finding out the most appropriate, eligable and possionate expert to review it. Afterwards, I also want to propose that we gonna continue exercise the constituents of Desperate housewives Season 1 and there will be more practical and interesting clips from other resources at my disposal. For future reference, we're gonna have a change of style, we shift our main focus to pronucation and internation which is the role-play part, the reason is simple, after these days we're sticking together, I have confidence that you all have leant the ropes of accumulating, deconstructing and assembling the words and expressions in terms of forming a sophisticated sentence. Speaking of sentence structure, please don't worry about it, if you look at Jack ma(马云), if you look at the sentence structure he's composing, it is awfully plain and simple. Since he articulated his message lound and clear, delivered his speech with insights and wisdom, he converyed his passion with solid evidence and experience, as a result, it doesn't affect how captivating and compelling his speeches are. As I said, I want to establish a group where link-minded people are willing to support, share and have sympathy with each other through thick and thin. So here comes my final statement, free yourself entirely, release the passion from the bottom of heart in order to reach maximum potential, please regard this group as a spiritual family, just remember you always have a place to come whenever and wherever you want. So,let's wish the best of the following days of our journey, I strongly believe that together we can make a difference, together we can make a progress. Thank you very much for your attention! 按照很多商业公司,比如健身房的、游泳馆的、KTV的、包括在线教育的,他们巴不过你不去,很多挣的就是缺席的钱,我目前在项目试行阶段,完全不一样,监督着让参与,想方设法鼓励你多运用、多表达。 下载视频
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