美剧《绝望的主妇》第一季第11集,Junie生日派对上的歌舞剧插曲:《Down at the Ol' Five and Dime》, 这首歌的相关背景知识及中英对照歌词:
歌曲 《Down at the Ol’ Five and Dime》 出自音乐剧《大麻狂热》(Reefer Madness)的原声带。这是一首充满活力和怀旧气息的歌曲,再现了20世纪中期美国青年文化的活力场景。歌词描述了学生放学后涌向当地“十美分店”(Five and Dime)的欢乐场景,在那里,摇摆舞曲、跳舞和甜点如樱桃汽水和麦芽奶昔共同营造出了一种充满欢笑和友谊的氛围。
歌词还融入了轻松幽默的元素,比如敲门笑话和冒险情节,这些都随着音乐的律动增强了歌曲的愉悦感。歌曲中的角色 Poppy 先生是个风趣的店主,他的加入为叙事增添了独特的魅力,同时也彰显了五美分店社区精神的核心。整首歌捕捉到了青年、舞蹈以及那个时代文化的精髓。
The song "Down at the Ol’ Five and Dime" from the Reefer Madness soundtrack is a lively and nostalgic piece that evokes the vibrant culture of mid-20th-century American youth. It describes the post-school excitement of visiting a local dime store, where swing music, dancing, and sweet treats like cherry fizz and malted milk create an atmosphere of joy and camaraderie. The lyrics also touch on playful elements, including knock-knock jokes and risky adventures, all set to a syncopated rhythm that mirrors the exuberance of swing music.
The piece features contributions from Mr. Poppy, a jovial shopkeeper who adds a personal charm to the narrative, and emphasizes the community spirit of the "Five and Dime." The song captures the essence of youth, dance, and the vibrant culture of the era.
歌曲将观众带入了20世纪30年代风格的五分店——一个承载了小镇生活天真与怀旧氛围的场景。这首歌充满了戏剧性,展示了角色之间的轻松互动,同时为后续情节的急转直下奠定了基调。歌词和旋律描绘出一个表面单纯的美国小镇日常,带有欢乐和怀旧的色彩,但这正好与音乐剧中对社会道德恐慌的尖锐讽刺形成对比。整部音乐剧戏仿了1936年的反大麻宣传片《Reefer Madness》,用夸张的叙事风格和歌曲如《Down at the Ol’ Five and Dime》来嘲讽当时的社会舆论。
"Down at the Ol’ Five and Dime" is a lively and catchy track featured in Reefer Madness: The Musical. This song captures the spirit of a 1930s-style soda shop and serves as a setting for key interactions among characters, blending humor, nostalgia, and period-specific charm. It showcases the naive and wholesome facade of American small-town life, which contrasts sharply with the dark satire of the rest of the musical.
The song emphasizes playful exchanges and upbeat melodies that highlight the innocence of the characters before the chaos of the plot unfolds. The musical itself is a campy, satirical take on the 1936 anti-marijuana propaganda film Reefer Madness, using exaggerated storytelling and songs like this one to parody the moral panic of the era.
以下为绝望的主妇插曲《Down at the Ol' Five and Dime》歌词中英文对照:
[td]All: After school is let out we just like to get out To the place where jitterbug is always in style Satchmo is a-singin', Dorsey is a-swingin' A syncopated wonderland that brings on a smile Come and stretch your dance abilities Nobody is feelin' ill at ease When your toes are tappin' anything can happen Down at the ol' Five and Dime! | 所有人: 放学后我们都喜欢去一个地方, 那里抖动舞步永远时尚。 萨奇莫在唱歌,多西在摇摆, 这是一个节奏分明的奇幻乐园,带来笑容。 来吧,展现你的舞蹈才能, 没有人会感到拘束, 当你的脚尖开始打节拍,任何事都可能发生, 在那老式的五分一角商店里! |
Dancin'! Dancin'! Razmatazz that always has you sashayin' Swayin' Buy your gal some jujubees She'll be swoonin', spoonin' Down at the ol' Five and Dime! | 跳舞!跳舞! 充满魅力的舞步让你优雅起舞,摇摆不定。 买些软糖给你的女孩, 她会陶醉,会甜蜜地依偎, 在那老式的五分一角商店里! |
Mr. Poppy: Hey! My name is Mr. Poppy In my little shop, we make the finest cherry fizz in all of the land Service with a smile, makin' quite a pile Even have a little left to pay for a band | 波比先生: 嘿!我是波比先生, 在我的小店里,我们做的是全地最好喝的樱桃气泡饮料。 微笑服务,收入不菲, 甚至还能剩点钱来雇个乐队! |
(Short musical break) | (短暂音乐插曲) |
All: You can buy yourself a pack of smokes Mr. Poppy: Laugh at Mr. Poppy's knock knock jokes All: Ho! Gotta take the gang out to the local hangout Where Benny Goodman is king! | 所有人: 你可以买一包烟。 波比先生: 听听波比先生的敲门笑话。 所有人: 嘿!带着朋友们去当地的聚会场所, 那里班尼·古德曼是王者! |
(dialogue, dance break) | (对话,舞蹈间奏) |
Dancin'! Dancin'! Mr. Poppy: Then enjoy some funny books All: We get frisky, risky Mr. Poppy: Cool off with a malted milk All: We're all boppin', come drop in Down at the ol' Five and Dime! | 跳舞!跳舞! 波比先生: 然后享受一些有趣的书。 所有人: 我们变得欢脱,冒点险。 波比先生: 来一杯麦芽牛奶消暑。 所有人: 我们都在跳舞,快来加入, 在那老式的五分一角商店里! |
Mr. Poppy: Sometimes men would come to call who stank of sin and Barbasol They'd ask kids if they felt at all like having themselves a few kicks!** | 波比先生: 有时会有些男人来造访,身上带着罪恶和须后水的味道。 他们会问孩子们是否想尝试一点刺激的玩法! |
(dialogue, swing music break) | (对话,摇摆音乐间奏) |
All: Feel the crazy rhythm in your feet Everybody keep in reet petite Blazing bright as neon, maybe we could be on Major Bowes' amateur hour!** | 所有人: 感受脚下疯狂的节奏, 大家保持轻盈优雅, 如霓虹般炫亮,或许我们可以登上 鲍斯大叔的业余时光节目! |
Dancin'! Dancin'! Charleston till our tootsies ache We'll be slidin', glidin' Rompin' to the Savoy Stomp We're rug cuttin', struttin' Then as a coda, we drink ice cream soda Here down at the ol' Five and Dime! Yeah! | 跳舞!跳舞! 查尔斯顿舞到脚尖酸痛。 我们会滑行、飘移, 在萨沃伊踏步中狂欢。 我们裁地毯,昂首阔步, 最后以一杯冰激凌苏打作为尾声, 这里是那老式的五分一角商店!耶! |