



Desperate Housewives Course Introduction
owenlee 2020-6-2 01:35
Hi,Every one, my name is Gus Diaz, how are you today? I'm a English Native teacher from U.S.A, NewYork. I've been here in China for 7 years teaching English In NewYork, I taught for 12 years also, Emergency Procedures, 911 to Emergency Medical Technicians and para medicals So, I'm as an EMS In ...
个人分类: 课程相关|282 次阅读|0 个评论
使用polished language
owenlee 2020-6-2 01:23
注意句子结构,学习英语就像建造一座摩天大楼:由单词、短语和句子结构构成基础,一旦基础打牢,它将坚不可摧。如果你想脱颖而出,想让别人听到你的声音,想给你在乎的人留下深刻的印象,你就必须多做一些额外的工作,比如使用polished language: She is pregnant. She is "expecting". She is "in a delicate con ...
个人分类: 学习笔记|231 次阅读|0 个评论
Wechat Group Discussion
owenlee 2020-5-31 12:57
I understand you position, you're saying that the idea of making sentense that I have been implanting so hard to this group is ineffective, presumably it makes perfect sense for you to say this based on what you saw, (the awkward words that you came accross) , BTW, I don't think "awkward words" is ...
个人分类: 心得感悟|229 次阅读|0 个评论
The way I see how should we react
owenlee 2020-5-31 12:47
Instead of admiring the fish at the river, one might as well return home to knit a net. Please cherish the moment while you have someone stand by your side, someone who is approachable, preditable and sustainable. You might be thinking, I've seen much better, I've had my pictures taken wi ...
个人分类: 心得感悟|237 次阅读|0 个评论
owenlee 2020-5-23 11:41
Instead of admiring the fish at the river, one might as well return home to knit a net. Please cherish the moment while you have someone stand by your side, someone who is approachable, preditable and sustainable. You might be thinking, I've seen much better, I've had my pictures taken wi ...
个人分类: 英语格言|232 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 16
关于区块链技术相关英文(BlockChain Technology)
owenlee 2019-11-17 17:13
Many problems exist with the conventional centralized exchanges: 1.Poor market depth leading to inability of executing instant market orders 2.Frequent coin theft cases raise issue to asset security management 3.The hassle of registering and managing multiple accounts due to the limited number o ...
个人分类: 学习笔记|574 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 9

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