



Every business has its merits and downsizes.
owenlee 2020-10-8 22:55
Every business has its merits and downsizes. Whether it is a dominant gaint company or mom-and-pop startup.
个人分类: 心得感悟|204 次阅读|0 个评论
owenlee 2020-10-8 22:40
人生在世,承父母之精血,天地之灵气,自当做一场刮目惊人的事业。如若不能做到流芳百世,也要确保面对自己的孙儿,说你爷爷我无悔一生!男人超过35岁了,一定要选择一份你喜欢并认可的事业,并为之奋斗!若是成功,应开怀畅饮,感恩载德;如果失败,应承担责任,反省深思,! ...
个人分类: 心得感悟|213 次阅读|0 个评论
Wechat Group Discussion
owenlee 2020-5-31 12:57
I understand you position, you're saying that the idea of making sentense that I have been implanting so hard to this group is ineffective, presumably it makes perfect sense for you to say this based on what you saw, (the awkward words that you came accross) , BTW, I don't think "awkward words" is ...
个人分类: 心得感悟|227 次阅读|0 个评论
The way I see how should we react
owenlee 2020-5-31 12:47
Instead of admiring the fish at the river, one might as well return home to knit a net. Please cherish the moment while you have someone stand by your side, someone who is approachable, preditable and sustainable. You might be thinking, I've seen much better, I've had my pictures taken wi ...
个人分类: 心得感悟|234 次阅读|0 个评论
owenlee 2019-8-24 02:08
我以自己的实际经历,给大家讲讲一个追求完美的人,是怎样的一种思维模式和工作状态。我呢,是处女座的,很多人说处女座的人追求完美,眼里不揉沙子,我算是个代表。前几天有朋友推荐,来了个客户,找我给她做小程序,这个客户呢?有激情、有梦想, 30 岁出头,从街边摆地堆到白手起家,在北京刚开了家轰趴馆,她经常帮 ...
个人分类: 心得感悟|416 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 12
Be Like Bamboo: Patient, Strong, and Flexible
owenlee 2019-5-31 15:57
Be Like Bamboo: Patient, Strong, and Flexible
Being like bamboo means working on your internal being, investing on resilience, and not being afraid of "bending" once in a while. At the end, you'll come back to your former self, stronger than ever. Being like bamboo means investing in patience. It means reminding yourself that it ta ...
个人分类: 心得感悟|523 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 16

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