




已有 220 次阅读2020-10-10 20:47 |个人分类:微信群| 视频号, 奖励兑现

Dear All 

Good evening 

Autumn is approching, I’d like to express my sincere gratitude and extend my best wishes to all of you. For your enduring companionship, active involvement as well as valuable inputs, especially for a few like-minded fellows who rooted for us without hesitation, and on top of that, on behalf of our team, I also want to express our genuine appreciation to our dedicated editors, thank you very much for sticking with us through thick and thin, without your valuable inputs and outstanding contribution, we wouldn’t make it this far. 

Now, First things first, It is time to honor our promises that we put into this group ealier last month. Based on statistical data, three members standing out from the herd, they’re the ones who contributed the most along the ride.   

when we put the announcement in the group which stated that 

At that time, we really need your help to enhance our brand awareness and market visiability while our short video account was in its infancy, some of you followed and helped us without hesitation which truly reflects an old saying, “A friend in need is a friend indeed,” 

As a result, you will be promoted as our VIP members and have the priviledge to have access to our premium services, for more details, please refer to the following link to learn more about priviledges and benefits of our VIP membership   

Apart from you three most geliable friends, there’re members who made notiable contributions as well, you all will be receiving an exquisite and tailor-made dairy by next month, please also visit the link above-mentioned for more details.  

Finnaly, we wish you all reap what you sow and get what you want while you’re with us along the ride.                                                                                                                                    






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