



Be Like Bamboo: Patient, Strong, and Flexible

热度 16已有 525 次阅读2019-5-31 15:57 |个人分类:心得感悟| Bamboo

Being like bamboo means working on your internal being, investing on resilience, and not being afraid of "bending" once in a while. At the end, you'll come back to your former self, stronger than ever.

Being like bamboo means investing in patience. It means reminding yourself that it takes seven years for bamboo to grow. During that time, it works on its “internal being”. It improves its roots, absorbs nutrients, and prepares itself. Thus, once it comes out of the earth and sees the light, nothing can get in its way. Bamboo is unstoppable and magnificent and can grow up to 1 meter (3.3 feet) a day.

Being like bamboo means remembering that we have the right to reach the top. There may be enemies around us or events that hinder our professional success. However, we must keep in mind that there are many great opportunities waiting for us.

Its resistance has made this plant an inspiring reference for many philosophical, spiritual, and psychological practices. Some claim that there’s a secret code inside bamboo plants, a singular formula that nature gifted it that make it both beautiful and resistant.

People often say that we set our own limits. It’s clear that in many cases it’s not possible to reach certain goals. Our society has barriers and filters that condition and limit our dreams.

In China, for example, this plant is part of the Four Noble Ones. These plants are the most symbolic plants for them: the plum blossom, the orchid, the bamboo, and the chrysanthemum. Each one of those plants represents a season. Bamboo is the strong, fresh, and beautiful summer.

Being like bamboo is all about imitating it to develop two essential things that will help us overcome any difficulty: resistance and flexibility.

Being like bamboo means having a resilient attitude in life. It means you have to accept that sometimes adversity can make you bend over. However, if you’re strong, you’ll go back to your former self, happier and more beautiful than before.






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