



Teacher's day Group learning activity
owenlee 2020-10-8 23:03
Hello My dear friends: Today is teacher's day, May all the teachers are well and prosper, beacuase of the rigorous policy implemented by CPC and joint efforts carried out by our beloved doctors, we're all spared from experiencing the undergoing horrid pandemic, but unfortunately, now we have t ...
225 次阅读|0 个评论
Every business has its merits and downsizes.
owenlee 2020-10-8 22:55
Every business has its merits and downsizes. Whether it is a dominant gaint company or mom-and-pop startup.
202 次阅读|0 个评论
Taking about Peppa Pig phenomenon
owenlee 2020-10-8 22:44
Titled “What is Peppa,” the video is centered around Li Yubao, an old man who lives alone in a remote rural area, and his hilarious yet touching journey of finding out what is “Peppa,” which his three-year grandson living in a city wants the most as a gift for Chinese New Year. In the begin ...
131 次阅读|0 个评论
owenlee 2020-10-8 22:40
人生在世,承父母之精血,天地之灵气,自当做一场刮目惊人的事业。如若不能做到流芳百世,也要确保面对自己的孙儿,说你爷爷我无悔一生!男人超过35岁了,一定要选择一份你喜欢并认可的事业,并为之奋斗!若是成功,应开怀畅饮,感恩载德;如果失败,应承担责任,反省深思,! ...
211 次阅读|0 个评论

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