



Sully 2016
大胡David 2020-3-20 13:34
The on board count, 150 passengers, three flight attendants and two pilots, one of whom, the senior pilot, drew on all of his experience and skill, which combined with near miraculous good luck and a result that was, frankly, astounding.
277 次阅读|0 个评论
91talk 2020-2-9 15:24
当看到李文亮医生仙去的消息,一上午的心情极度的阴郁和悲愤!新冠病毒之所以如此肆虐,是因为我们的上呼吸道完全失去了防御能力。 李文亮等8名有风险意识和警觉性的医生,第一时间进行了通报和传播,他们好比就是我们上呼吸道的免疫系统、就是我们体制内为数不多的抵御入侵的防火墙啊!然而,该有的防 ...
318 次阅读|0 个评论
91talk 2020-1-12 01:15
看完 why women kill 《致命女人》,没觉得是“爽剧”,黑色喜剧风格在看的过程当中间歇性地哈哈笑,但是并没有一笑而过,笑完发现这剧挺耐嚼, 值二刷 。 为锻炼听力,我看无字幕原版,抓住 90% 内容,无规律地需要问先生刚才说了啥,争取到 95% 吧以后。 整个剧轻松幽默,节奏明朗轻快,让 ...
1238 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 13
关于区块链技术相关英文(BlockChain Technology)
owenlee 2019-11-17 17:13
Many problems exist with the conventional centralized exchanges: 1.Poor market depth leading to inability of executing instant market orders 2.Frequent coin theft cases raise issue to asset security management 3.The hassle of registering and managing multiple accounts due to the limited number o ...
566 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 9
51learn 2019-10-12 04:28
所谓抽丝剥茧,顾名思义:丝得一根一根地抽,茧得一层一层地剥。形容分析事物极为细致,而且一步一步很有层次。 Peel back the onion: Peeling the onion means to go beyond the outside appearances when judging something or someone. People have a great many facets to their personalities that ...
1769 次阅读|0 个评论
91talk 2019-10-6 10:39
1、MP3与LRC是一套可以帮助我们节省手机空间、我们没有必要为了腾挪空间,总是纠结:该删除或保留哪部电影或美剧; 2、同时将注意力集中于英语听力的资源组合;用阅读的方式感知画面,使得我们在学习知识点的时候融入了自己的想象,帮助我们加深记忆; 2、LRC除了能够帮助我们像听歌一样学英语之外,还有一项重要的功能: ...
335 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 16
刘欣China Daily演讲文稿
51learn 2019-10-3 18:38
I was totally oversold! my goodness! such high expectations I'll be shivering with nervousness but anyway I am here, I have to answer the call so on it's a great pleasure to be here since I joined CCTV 20 years ago I have been doing one thing actually since I ent ...
2036 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
Is China the new idol for emerging economies?
51learn 2019-10-3 18:35
1--"Give me liberty or give me death." 2--When Patrick Henry, the governor of Virginia, said these words in 1775, 3--he could never have imagined 4--just how much they would come to resonate with American generations to come. 5--At the time, these words wer ...
862 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 1
51learn 2019-10-3 18:30
In order to keep up with the Joneses, we have to strike while the iron is hot.
384 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
Learning English From wechat group
51learn 2019-10-3 18:29
Thank you very much for your valuable thoughts and inspiring ideas, I've just read through all the content you put together, and I like the way how you break the unreachable down into little available chunks, you also mentioned a theory of selecting movies based on how much percentage we're able to ...
587 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 1
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