



”Desperate Housewives”: Bree drowns in denial
owenlee 2023-7-25 17:50
For most of season 2, I’ve thought of this show the same way Madonna thinks of her various wannabe suitors in her recent single ”Sorry”: I’ve seen it all before, and I can’t take it anymore. Those words pounded through my head during Mary Alice’s opening voice-over about Bree’s various househ ...
107 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 16
The Duality of Human Nature
owenlee 2021-6-17 19:48
Let me put forward a situation that I’ve found myself in a gazillion times. You meet a person, in a party or wherever. It’s just the two of you. The conversation is free-flowing. You’re getting to know each other. Their personality appeals to you. You’re sharing common ideas and really hitting ...
253 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 17
China capable of dealing with problem of aging society
owenlee 2021-5-31 23:35
China capable of dealing with problem of aging society By Kang Bing | China Daily | Updated: 2020-11-03 07:27 An elderly woman plays badminton at Jingshan Park in Beijing on July 20, 2020. Editor's Note: The remarkable achievements in the fields of economic develop ...
252 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 13
Unhealthy Competition in the Marriage
91talk 2021-5-29 14:54
Sometimes couples begin to look more like squabbling siblings rather than loving partners when they compete with another. Although healthy competition can be a good thing in other areas of your life, ideally in the marriage, it is best if you can work together as a team without competing agai ...
247 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 19
the harshest judge must be yourself
owenlee 2021-1-8 11:54
So many people can tell you what's good or what's bad, they'll give you there opinions, everyone has them, at some point, I think that the harshest judge must be yourself and you must work really hard to please yourself.
242 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 13
91talk 2020-10-1 20:25
I hate to burst your bubble, but now I realize that parents are the root cause which leds to ​success or failure of our underage child 得到一个结论: 除了父母自己,别指望任何人、任何机构能帮你带出像Miss Chu那样聪慧自信的小孩(真的不想打碎部分家长的泡影,但未成年孩子能否茁壮成长,根源在于父母 ...
284 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 16

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