CGTN女主播刘欣于5月30日早8:25(美东时间29日晚8:25)应约与FOX商业频道女主播翠西·里根(Trish Regan)就中美贸易等相关话题进行了一场公开辩论。
有外媒报道称,这场辩论是电视史上的伟大奇观。翠西在节目中称这也是美国电视史上前所未有的对话,也是美国听到不同观点的机会。 双方就公平贸易、知识产权、华为、关税、中国发展中国家地位以及美方所谓的“国家资本主义”进行了长达16分钟的对话。
对话内容整理 关于双方的立场澄清
Trish Regan:said that she is not here to advocate for the Trump administration, and Liu Xin is part of the CPC.
Liu Xin: "I am not a member of the Communist Party of China. I am here to speak for myself, as a journalist working for CGTN,"
翠西:自己不代表特朗普政府,而刘欣是中国共产党的代言人。 刘欣纠正道:我自己还不是共产党员,我今天是以中国国际电视台记者的身份与你进行对话。
关于中美贸易谈判:中方已表明立场 Trish Regan: What is your current assessment of where the trade talks are. Do you believe a deal is possible? Liu Xin: The talks were not very successful last time, and both sides are considering where to go next. The Chinese government is very clear. 翠西:你可以评估一下中美两国在贸易战中的处境吗?你认为中美可能会达成某种协议吗? 刘欣:“我并没有内部消息,所以我并不太清楚中美之间的贸易谈判,究竟到达一个什么样的地步,但是我认为中国政府已经非常明确地表明了立场。”
关于知识产权:侵权不是个例,会继续加强 Trish:我也同意。我们现在谈一谈最重要的问题,中美知识产权问题。我们都知道窃取别人的东西是不对的。中国是WTO的成员,FBI有很多证据证明中国从美国窃取了很多机密,涉及金额达到上亿美元。 刘欣:你可以问下在华投资的美国公司的意愿,问问他们是否愿意在华投资,美国公司在华投资利润丰厚。 刘欣:我承认,在中国是有一些侵犯知识产权的案例,但是那都是公司的问题,世界上包括美国在内的很多国家的公司都出现过这样的问题,这些仅是个例,不能说美国公司偷了就是美国偷了,中国公司偷了就是中国偷了。刘欣解释道,中国社会对加强知识产权保护是有广泛共识的。
Liu Xin: There is consensus among Chinese people that no country or individual can protect itself without intellectual property protection. Isolated cases do not mean that America is stealing or Chinese people are stealing.
Trish Regan: What do you think of "to heck with tariffs, let's get rid of them altogether." What do you think? Liu Xin: When we talk about tariffs it's not just between China and the U.S. If you don't like the rules, then let's change the rules, but it has to be done as a multilateral decision
翠西:2016年,中国对美国16%的商品征收9.9%的关税过高。 刘欣:降低关税是一个很好的想法。这样,美国消费者可以用更便宜的价格买到中国商品,中国也可以用更便宜的价格买到美国商品。但是您刚才也提到了我们现在是规则主导的世界,如果一方想要改变规则,必须要取得相关方的共识。美国不能对中国有区别性对待,降低关税需要是个多边的共同决定。我们目前执行的是20年前的标准,在关税问题上,我们的确需要改变规则。
关于中国发展:体量大,人均少 翠西还发问刘欣有关发展中国家地位的问题,
Liu Xin: If you look at the overall size of the Chinese economy, don't forget we have 1.4 billion people. If you divide the second largest economy in the world, when it comes down to per capita GDP we are less than one-sixth of the U.S.
We can do a lot of big things, and people are looking upon us to do a lot more around the world.
Trish Regan: How do you define state capitalism? Liu Xin: We would like to define it as socialism with Chinese characteristics, where market forces are expected to play the dominating or deciding role in the allocation of resources.
We want it to be a market economy but there are some Chinese characteristics, for example, some state-owned enterprises which play an important but smaller role maybe in the economy.
We are a socialist economy with Chinese characteristics, but we are not just state controlled, we are quite mixed, very dynamic and very open as well.
翠西:你如何定义“国家资本主义”, 刘欣:中国是中国特色市场经济,让市场在经济中发挥主导作用。国有企业在经济中有重要作用,但作用正在不断减少,国家并没有控制经济的一切。
来看一组数据:中国80%的就业是由民营企业提供的;中国80%的出口是由民营企业提供的;中国65%的创新是由民营企业完成的;中国一些领先的公司,比如因特网公司、5G公司都是民营企业。我们的经济制度是多元的、活跃的、开放的。 |