owenlee 发表于 2019-6-11 10:51:26


场景介绍:美剧House of cards《纸牌屋》第三季第五集中,弗兰克与邓巴都在为总统竞选预热,幕僚Doug挺而走险,决定只身前往邓巴阵营展开谈判,给自己寻求一份关键职务。邓巴团队自然清楚Doug的能力和价值,给出一份业内标准和薪酬待遇,以试探Doug的态度和反应。Doug将计就计,正儿八经、不卑不亢地针对薪酬福利与邓巴及其幕僚展开周旋。这段剪辑所使用的商务用语地道、大气,适用于高级商务英语学习者或高端营销及管理人才作为参考素材。

1、请解释Doug开价的薪酬中涉及到的“ad-buy”是指什么?2、请找出“负担不起”对应的短语表达3、请找出“九牛一毛”对应的短语表达4、请找出“引狼入室”对应的短语表达5、请用常见商务短语“In terms of”的造句
Doug:What are you thinking in terms of salary? 关于工资你有什么想法Cynthia:Twenty-two thousand per quarter. 每季度两万二Doug:That's way below what I'm worth. Even in this state. 就算我这样 也不只值这个价Dunbar:What do you think's appropriate? 你觉得多少合适Doug:Two-fifty and three points on the ad-buy. 两万五加上3%的广告投入Cynthia:That's beyond our means. - No, it'snot. --我们负担不起 --不 你们担得起Doug:It's a drop in the bucket from yourestate. 这只是你财产的九牛一毛Dunbar:You said you wanted in because you believed in this campaign. 你说你想参加是因为你对这次竞选有信心Doug:That's right. --没错Dunbar:Sounds like it's more about money. --现在看来你是为了钱Doug:It's about being valued. Two-fifty and the points is a bargain. 我希望被重视 两万五和少量广告投入并不多------>> I want to work for you, justnot as a beggar. 我想为你工作 而不是向你乞讨Dunbar:We don't trust you yet, Doug. 我们还不信任你 道格------>> We don't even halfway trustyou, so you are a beggar. 可以说根本不信任你 所以你就是在乞讨Doug:And you shouldn't trust me... until I prove myself. 我还没证明自己 你也应该不信任我------>> That's a gamble you don'tget to take 你不拿出筹码------>> without putting chips on thetable. 就不能冒这个险Dunbar:Cynthia and I will discuss. 我会和辛西娅谈的Doug:Thank you for your time. 感谢你抽空Cynthia:Let me check first. 我先看下外面------>> Okay, it's clear. 行 很安全Dunbar:What do you think? --你怎么看Cynthia:Why take the gamble? --为什么要冒险Dunbar:I don't want us to start making decisions 我不想一开始决策------>> from a position of weakness.That is how you lose. 就处于劣势 只会过亏Cynthia:I think we're inviting the fox into the henhouse. 我觉得这是引狼入室Dunbar:Anyone who wants to be a mole 要是间谍会------>> accepts the first offerwithout question. 毫不犹豫地接受条件------>> He's negotiating. 他却讨价还价Cynthia:So you actually believe him? 所以你相信他了Dunbar:Not necessarily. 半信半疑------>> But that doesn't mean thathe doesn't have value. 但这不代表他没有价值


1、For a higher end operative like Doug the ad buy is important because the better Doug is at his job, the more money the candidate would receive, and the more she'd spend on advertising. For most other positions this wouldn't be a consideration and straight salary is more likely.

This remuneration package in success of the candidate as well- for a candidacy like Jackie's for example, her 'Doug' would probably want to forego a win bonus and ad buy for a (high) but straight salary, since there's not much chance of her winning and her advertising is limited before she throws support to Dunbar.

2、请找出“负担不起”对应的短语表达That’s beyond our means.
3、请找出“九牛一毛”对应的短语表达 It is a drop in the bucket
4、请找出“引狼入室”对应的短语表达 invite the fox into the hen house
5、请用常见商务短语“In terms of”造句:In terms of nutrition, homemade food is definitly the first choice for us.

owenlee 发表于 2019-6-11 11:44:35


AD-Buy:What it means is that Doug gets 1% of all the money she spends on advertising e.g. She spends $5mil, he gets $50k.

Question: Why would this model of compensation be considered 'fair'? Why would a staffer's comp fluctuate based on how much is spent on advertising?

For a higher end operative like Doug the ad buy is important because the better Doug is at his job, the more money the candidate (Dunbar) would receive, and the more she'd spend on advertising.

For most other positions this wouldn't be a consideration and straight salary is more likely.

This remuneration package in success of the candidate as well- for a candidacy like Jackie's for example, her 'Doug' would probably want to forego a win bonus and ad buy for a (high) but straight salary, since there's not much chance of her winning and her advertising is limited before she throws support to Dunbar.

Beyond one's means:more than one can afford, or exceeding one's available finances.

A drop in the bucket: A very small quantity, especially one that is too small. or an effort or action having very little overall influence, especially as compared to a huge problem.

Inviting the fox into the hen house:is an idiom that is used to point out to somebody that his/her action invite disaster.

Houes of cards:Business negociation & Compensation and Welfare--In this short clip, we're going to learn:

1、How to negociate with your employer or boss in regard to Salary and remuneration package?
2、Why would an employee's compensation fluctuate based on how much is spent on advertising?

骊山望长安 发表于 2021-9-11 09:32:14


Meredith2021 发表于 2022-1-27 22:55:22

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