91talk 发表于 2019-9-1 12:12:33




1.I don’t pave the way for people…people pave the way for me.

2.I’m not about caring, I’m about winning.

3.I’m against having emotions, not against using them.

4. I don’t play the odds, I play the man.

5.The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary.


6.Winners don't make excuses.

7. I don't have dreams, I have goals.

8.I don’t get lucky. I make my own luck.

9. That’s the difference between you and me, you wanna lose small, I wanna win big.

10. What are your choices when someone puts a gun to your head? You take the gun, or you pull out a bigger one. Or, you call their bluff. Or, you do any one of a hundred and forty six other things.

11.“I'm also a kind person. And I want someone who notices the little things, like--like the fact that I'm a foodie, and I love to share that with other people. Or that when someone pays me a compliment, I can't even look them in the eye, or the fact that my parents are obviously loaded, but I'm still determined to make it on my own.”

12.- You know, you and Daniel are cut from the same cloth. - That's why I don't like him. There can be only one.

13. I have been irritated by you, exasperated with you, and angry at you, but I never thought I'd feel betrayed by you.


sucker 容易被骗的人

rehabilitate your image 重新恢复你的形象

heresay 道听途说

deposition 罢免

parole 保释---发誓会表现好而获得的提早出狱

bail 保释或保释金---交保释金而获得的不用坐牢

uncaring 不在乎别人

take it slow this time 这次慢慢来

I need you to trust him 我需要你信任他

We said 7:00 sharp, now it is 7:12, so it is 7:00 short. 我们说7:00准时,现在是7:12,因此7:00不够。

riveting 吸引人的

keep an open mind 保持开放

take pride in my work 我自豪于我的工作

I want to cut a deal 我想要和他庭外和解

What is the catch? 这个事情的蹊跷之处在哪里?
catch: hidden difficulty or disadvantage 潜在的困难或不利因素
E.G.:The house is very cheap. There must be a catch somewhere. 这所房子非常便宜。这里面一定有蹊跷。

makes us square 我们就扯平了

mudding 泥巴浴

non-Tara woman 非tara的女性

drop the hammer 落锤

clear your schedule 清空你的日程

blunder n. 愚蠢的小错误

inadmissible adj. 不被采纳的

sink in 理解

irony of ironies 讽刺中讽刺---极其讽刺

You have their back 他们支持你

be in the home stretch 在最后冲刺阶段(马最后跑回出发的地方的最后冲刺)
e.g. We're in the homestretch with this project and can't change it now.

foodie 爱做菜并享受做法的人

the added risk 增加的风险

prunie 老人

find out what is what? 发现啥啊?

He is over the moon = He is extremely happy

litigator 诉讼律师

bring you down 把你打倒

in on it 参与了it

empathy 同感,移情

kick some serious ass 我们一起做一些大事

eat you away = 腐蚀你

be saturated 浸泡

bring this thing home 把这个东西带回家

martyr 烈士

bulldoze 推平

shaft 电梯井

potato potayto:
A negligible, trivial, or unimportant difference, distinction, or correction
--- A is different from B!
--- potato potayto who cares.

emanating 散发出来...气味

dirty question 肮脏的问题

knock them dead 把他们打倒

keep your cool 保持冷静

I don't have a leg to stand on 我没有资格

strip you of everything you have 剥夺了你一切的东西

fly in 做飞机来

We got in a fight 我们吵架了

It is time for you to take the reigns 该你统治了

91talk 发表于 2019-9-1 12:25:10


1. I’m inclined to give you a shot.

2. You’re awfully chipper!

3. She completely shut me out.

4. Zip it,I’m talking.

5. He’s an anchor dragging you down.

6. I can multitask.

7. Okay,hotshot!Fire up the laptop.

91talk 发表于 2019-9-1 12:29:02


Managing Partner: 经营合伙人,执行合伙人(剧中女boss: Jessica Pearson)

Junior/Senior Partner:初级/高级合伙人 (剧中前几季Harvey和Louis都是Senior Partner)


Paralegal: 律师助理(剧中Rachel)Closer: 结案律师 (Jessica在向客户介绍Harvey的时候就说: “He is the best closer.”)

Close a case: 结案

Practice law: 做律师

Study for the bar: 准备律师资格考试

Get disbarred: 被取消律师资格

Deposition: 取证(通常在律师事务所进行,剧中好多唇枪舌战都发生在deposition过程中)

Settlement meeting: 和解会议(争取在庭外解决纷争)

Pro bono: 无偿志愿提供的法律服务

Testify: 出庭作证

Drop the case: 撤诉,放弃这个案子Subpoena: 法院传票

Trial: 庭审

Jury: 陪审团

Plaintiff: 原告

Defendant: 被告

Opposing Counsel: 对方律师

Judge: 法官(但在法庭上要尊称Your Honor)

Opening statement: 开庭陈词

Objection: 异议(律师在法庭上常喊的一句话,objection的理由之一是lead the witness, 即诱导证人)

Sustained/Overruled: 异议有效/无效(律师在喊完Objection之后法官的回答)

Bail: 保释

Closing argument: 结案陈词

myangelgarden 发表于 2021-5-22 18:45:46

That’s the difference between you and me, you wanna lose small, I wanna win big.
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