91talk 发表于 2020-10-20 15:29:37

看美剧学英语习语:Make ends meet

Make ends meet:To have enough money to cover expenses; to get by financially; to get through the pay period (sufficient to meet the next payday).

中文释义:量入为出、使收支平衡。关于 make ends meet 的来源有两种说法,其一是说船上的绳索断了,船主为了节省不去买新的,而让水手将断了的绳索结好继续使用。另一种说法是会计要让本年度的帐目同次年帐目相互衔接,不出差错。总之,make ends meet 是和经济收入相关,其真实含意是"能够维持生活或使收支平衡”。
英语习语:“Make ends meet”相关例句:

例句1:Many contingent and nontraditional relationships are because people need more than one job to make ends meet these days.

例句2:My wages were so low that I had to take a second job just to make ends meet.

秒手空空 发表于 2020-10-28 15:57:16

mywagesare slowtoo.

qq_qzuser_Xbz 发表于 2022-7-21 11:09:06

what do you mean?how to get the scores?

qq_qzuser_cV8 发表于 2022-12-13 15:05:03

make ends meet
you're always thinking about how to make ends meet.

Justin_lee 发表于 2022-12-25 14:45:03

Got it, thanks!
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