明月 发表于 2020-7-14 18:18:25

看美剧学英语地道表达:Blend in

本帖最后由 明月 于 2020-7-14 18:20 编辑

Blend in: to look or seem the same as surrounding people or things and therefore not be easily noticeable; To mix or combine something smoothly or seamlessly with something else; To merge seamlessly and successfully with something. As in Be sure to blend in your makeup so that your face isn't two different colors.

中文释义:blend in 融入,混合。看起来和周围的人或物一样,因此不引人注目。例句:They have adopted local customs and tried to blend in with the community.(他们接受了当地的风俗习惯,努力融入社区。)Blend in 还可以用在颜色上。Don’t worry, the stain has blended in with the shirt. (别担心,污渍已经和你的衬衫颜色融为一体了。)

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