明月 发表于 2020-7-14 18:01:27


本帖最后由 明月 于 2020-7-14 18:03 编辑

Horny: sexually excited; sexually attractive; made of a hard substance, like horn, (especially of skin) hard and rough. The word "horny" is a slang term for wanting to have sex or being sexually aroused or excited. If you describe someone as horny, you mean that they are sexually aroused or that they easily become sexually aroused. As in You look horny in that skirt.

中文释义:欲火中烧的、性激动的;性感的、妖媚的;由角质材料组成的,粗硬的(尤其指皮肤)。例句:She'd had a couple of drinks and was feeling horny. (她几杯酒下肚后,感觉欲火中烧。)

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