Fannie 发表于 2020-7-13 07:56:18

看美剧学英语习语:Oh shoot

Oh shoot: A mild exclamation of anger, annoyance, regret, or disgust (about something). Typically preceded by the interjections(感叹词) "ah," "aw," or "oh."As in Oh shoot! I thought that would fix the problem with the computer, but I guess something else must be wrong.

中文释义:除了表示射门,shoot本身念起来,短平快,在口语中,通常作为sh*t的委婉说法,避免语言的粗鲁,算是礼貌的吐槽,表示感叹,惊吓,失望等多种情绪,语气不同,意思也不一样。例句: Oh shoot! I forgot my wallet!(糟啦,我忘带钱包了。) 引申另一个和"shoot"有关的短语shoot off one's mouth, shoot off是射击,放枪,开炮,在嘴里开炮,也就是我们常说的这个人总是"打嘴炮",说大话,总是夸夸其谈的意思。

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