明月 发表于 2020-7-10 12:29:55

看美剧学英语地道表达:For better or worse

本帖最后由 明月 于 2020-7-10 12:32 编辑

For better or worse: If you say that something has happened or been done for better or worse, you mean that you are not sure whether the consequences will be good or bad, but they will have to be accepted because the action cannot be changed. As in I married you for better or worse, knowing all about these problems.

Etymology: The term became famous through its presence in the marriage service of the Book of Common Prayer (1549), where bride and bridegroom each must pledge to hold by the other “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health.” This expression was derived from the still older Sarum Manual (ca. 1500), which in turn may have taken it from John Gower’s Confessio Amantis (ca. 1390), “For bet, for wers, for oght, for noght.” Today it is used quite loosely, as in “For better or for worse, I've made a down payment on the condo.”

中文释义:不管怎样;不管是好是坏;不论好坏;无论发生什么。 如果说某件事for better or worse,表示说话人不确定后果是好是坏,都会欣然接受。例句:For better or worse, I've promised to marry her. (不管怎样,我已答应娶她。)

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