明月 发表于 2020-7-9 16:37:56

看美剧学英语地道表达:Dig in

本帖最后由 明月 于 2020-7-9 16:39 编辑

Dig in: Press hard into something; If you say that someone is digging in, you mean that they are not changing their mind or weakening their efforts, although they may be losing a contest or facing difficult problems. (面临失败、困境等时)固执己见,坚定立场,坚持不懈; mix something with soil; soldiers: dig a place; to start eating food with a lot of enthusiasm. As in Come on, everybody – dig in!

中文释义:Dig in的完整说法是dig in one's heel,这个口语表达的意思是 to refuse to compromise or change one's mind,也就是“立场坚定,拒绝让步或改变主意,毫不动摇”的意思。这个口语表达可以理解为,站稳了自己的脚跟,这样就立场坚定不妥协了。另外dig in还有其他意思:把......混入;(士兵)挖掩体隐蔽,掘壕防守,可以是dig in,也可以是dig oneself in;开动(开始吃)。例句: My parents wanted me to give up writing, but I dug in my heels and went on to become a famous writer.(父母劝我放弃写作,但我立场坚定,立志成为一名出色的作家。)

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