明月 发表于 2020-7-7 13:56:08

看美剧学英语实用表达:At one's disposal

At one's disposal: available for one's use. If you have something at your disposal, you are able to use it whenever you want, and for whatever purpose you want. If you say that you are at someone's disposal, you mean that you are willing to help them in any way you can. somebody is at your (complete) disposal (=someone is ready to help you in any way).

中文释义: at one's disposal 意思是“由某人随意支配使用”(但拥有权未必属于那个“one”),听某人之便,供某人使用。当“可供使用的事物”作主语时:“可供使用的事物”+be动词+at one's disposal;例句:A huge supply of books is at your disposal in the library.(图书馆里有大量的图书任你学习使用。)当“可供使用的事物”不是主语时,at one's disposal可直接加在“可供使用的事物”之后,表对其的限定。例句:The firm put a secretary at my disposal.(公司给我配备了一名秘书。)

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