明月 发表于 2020-6-24 18:43:15

看美剧学英语高频短语:Mess sth up

Mess sth up: to spoil something or do it badly; to make something dirty or not neat; mess sb up (informal) to cause someone to have serious emotional or mental problems; (informal) to physically hurt someone, especially by hitting them. As in I don't want you messing up my nice clean kitchen.

中文释义: mess up 的意思是 to spoil something or do it badly. 形容毫无秩序及条理,乱糟糟的样子,也就是“把...弄糟,弄乱”的意思。拓展到Don't mess it up 这个口语表达的意思就是:“别把它弄乱,别把它搞砸”的意思。例句:I've really messed up this time.(这次我真的把事情给弄糟了。)也可以指“to make sth dirty or untidy 使不整洁;弄脏;弄乱”,例句:I don't want you messing up my nice clean kitchen.(我不想让你弄脏我这整洁的厨房。)而将sth换成人称代词之后,如mess sb up,还可以指使心情恶劣;使精神崩溃”。

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