91talk 发表于 2019-9-8 19:33:49


美剧Sex and the city《欲望都市》是美国HBO有线电视网播放的喜剧类剧集,于1998年6月6日首播,2004年2月22日结束,共六季94集。此影集获得许多艾美奖和金球奖的奖项。该剧是发生在纽约曼哈顿四个单身女人身上的故事。她们都事业成功,都时髦漂亮,都已不再年轻却自信魅力四射。她们共享彼此间牢固的友谊,也都面临共同的问题:在这充满欲望和诱惑的都市里,寻找真正的爱情和归宿。

《欲望都市》改编自甘蒂斯-布什奈尔(Candace Bushnell)的畅销书,在美国风靡一时,在内地也有相当多女性粉丝,本剧语速适中,轻松诙谐而又不乏深度,非常适合用来操练听力口语。欲望都市这部影片有许多经典的句子和富有哲理的经典台词和引人入胜的精彩对白,下面是本人收集整理出的一些经典句子,附上中英文对照,希望大家喜欢!

Big: I may have to move to Paris for work.我可能要去巴黎工作了。
Just for a while.只是一段时间。Carrie: For how long a while? 去多长时间? Big: I don't know.我不知道 Seven months, maybe a year.七个月,也可能是一年。Nothing's definite.都没有敲定呢。Carrie: Wait! Wait, wait, wait.慢着,等会儿,等会儿,等会儿。How long have you known?你多久前就知道这件事了?Big: It's been in the works for a while.公司说这件事有一阵了。I'll know more details after this trip.这次出差后,我会知道更多细节。Carrie: When did you plan on telling me?   你本打算什么时候告诉我?Big: When I knew more.我想知道更多细节以后(再跟你说)。Nothing's definite.还没最后定呢。 Don't get carried away. 别想那么多。There's the car.车来了。 I have to go, or I'll miss the plane.我得走了,不然会误了飞机。 We'll figure this all out when I get back. 等我回来,咱们一块计划这事。

Carrie: I wanted to kill him! 我真想杀了他!He's standing there giving me the "what's-the-big-problem" eyes.他站在哪儿,一副“这有什么大不了的”样子。 I don't understand like it's my problem.真搞不懂,好像是我有问题似的。Charlotte: Calm down.冷静 There are ways to make this work. 总会有办法解决的。 It's seven months. 不就七个月吗。You can go visit in Paris.你可以去巴黎看他。He can come back here.他也可以回这边来。Carrie:It's not about that.问题不是这个。It's about the fact that I wasn't even a factor in his decision-making process.是他在做决定的整个过程里,根本就没有考虑过我。Miranda: Totally.没错!Samantha:Men do this all the time. 男人们总是这样。Women walking around thinking "we.女人不管在哪儿,都想的是“我们”,And their version of "we" is "me and my dick.可男人心中的“我们”却只有“我”和我的“老二”。Miranda: Totally.同意。Carrie:Just tell me what's going on! 告诉我到底发生了什么! Is that too much to ask? 我的要求高吗 "Carrie, I'm thinking about going to France for the rest of my life!" - Am I right? -“凯莉,我打算搬到巴黎去,在那过一辈子” - 我说的不是么?Charlotte: Totally. 没错。Carrie:One minute he's all over me, and the next he's pushing me away.And I just cannot believe this is happening, again!   上一分钟我还是他的全部,下一分钟就把我推一边儿去了。真不能想象,这种事又发生了!Miranda: Yes, calm down. 好了,冷静。There'll be no breaking of things.不要把东西打碎了。Carrie: Why do I keep doing this to myself?我为什么对自己总这样?I must be a masochist or something.我一定是个受虐狂或者什么的。Carrie: That's when I first realized it. I was in an S & M relationship with Mr. Big.
自此,我方意识到,我和Big之间是一种施虐与被虐的关系。Carrie:Excuse me. 抱歉。

Carrie: In love relationships, there is a fine line between pleasure and pain. 在爱情里,欢乐与痛苦仅一线之隔。 In fact, it's a common belief that a relationship without pain is a relationship not worth having. 事实上,大家都认为那种没有痛苦的爱情是不值得拥有的。
To some, pain implies growth. 对于一些人来说,痛苦就意味着成长。
But how do we know when the growing pains stop and the "pain-pains" take over? 但是,我们怎么能够知道,什么时候成长的痛苦到头了,而真正的痛苦却来临了?Are we masochists or optimists, if we continue to walk that fine line? 如果我们坚持游走在那条细线上的话,我们是受虐狂还是乐观主义者?When it comes to relationships how do you know when enough is enough?当说到爱情的话,究竟怎样才算是受够了呢?

definite确定totally一点没错dick   屌masochist受虐狂Sadism and MasochismS&M relationship 虐待与被虐待关系

myangelgarden 发表于 2021-5-22 18:44:33

Are we masochists or optimists, if we continue to walk that fine line?
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