91talk 发表于 2023-3-3 19:29:31


626--Rebecca, it's time to end this. 丽贝卡不能再这么下去了

627--- What? You mean tell the FBI? - Yeah.-什么你是说FBI坦白-对

628--No. No way.不没门

629--You'll get into trouble.你会有麻烦的

630--Look, we started this together.这件事是我们一起搞出来的

631--And now, you wanna finish it?那现在你愿不愿意结束它

632--Tell me what you found.告诉我你们发现了什么

633--Well, all the pages held hidden symbols,每张纸上都有隐藏符号

634--symbols that added up to some kind of message,有着某种附属信息的符号

635--culminating with a picture of an idol.以一尊神像为结束

636--Describe the idol.形容一下神像

637--It was Hindu, female.是印度教的女性

638--- Did she have a crown? - Yeah.-她戴王冠了吗-戴了

639--What are you thinkin'?你想到什么了

640--- Is this what you saw? - Yes.-你看到的是这个吗-就是这个

641--This is the idol of Sita, deity of wealth.这是茜塔的神像财富之神

642--- It was created centuries ago. - I've heard about it.-几个世纪前诞生的-我听说过

643--The idol had eyes made out of rare diamonds.神像的眼睛是稀有钻石做的

644--But over the years, the idol vanished.但时间流逝神像也不知去向了

645--And only one of the diamonds was ever recovered.而只有一块钻石被找到了


647--A stone which is now sitting in the Smithsonian.现在正存放在史密森尼

648--The hope diamond.希望之钻

649--We're looking for its twin.我们找的是它的双生钻

650--The other eye, the other diamond,另一只眼睛另一颗钻石

651--it could be right here in New York.也许就在这在纽约

652--Yeah, Hagen said the masons entrusted Mosconi对哈根说过共济会委托给莫斯克尼的

653--with something of great value.是某种非常贵重的东西

654--There's a lot of gap years in the history of the idol.这尊神像的历史中有大段的空白

655--So it's possible the Masons had it at some point.共济会有可能把钻石藏在某个地方

656--That diamond is a good reason这颗钻石可能就是

657--for Hagen to go to all this trouble.哈根搞出这么多麻烦的原因

658--It's a good reason for you你有很正当的理由

659--to decode those symbols you found.去破解你找到的那些符号

660--Where are the pages?那些书页在哪

661--The codex is gone.法典没有了

662--To save you, I had to destroy it.为了救你我不得不销毁它

663--There's still a way we--我们仍然有办法--

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