91talk 发表于 2022-4-23 12:28:05

关于"which that"连用与叠用的语法解析

问:"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." ,老师,这个句子怎么在that后还有和which呀?

答:"that which"连在一起一般出现于以下两种情况:

E.G.1、Maybe that which doesn't kill us really does make us strong.

E.G.2、That which has been an incrediable TV show for English learners now is finally being adopted by most learners across China through Owen's continuous efforts and dedication.

Reality is something which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.

上面两例"that which"叠用是一种故意啰嗦的口吻,用以突出强调某件事情,较常见于新闻媒体、格言警句或书面修辞,口语表达基本不会遇见。通常情况下可以被一个词替代:如例1,可以被"what"、"something/someone"替代,例2,可以被"what" 替代。


E.G.1:The bill seeks to restrict Web sites from collecting information to only that which is "necessary to process or enforce a transaction or deliver a service.”

E.G.2:For instance, we have no large-scale sub-prime market similar to that which crashed U.S. housing.

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