91talk 发表于 2021-9-27 18:03:14



一百岁感言 Words From a Lady of 100 Years Old

I am 100 years old to this year. I have been to the edge of my life. I am unable to ascertain how far I could go as life is beyond my own control, but I am clear that I would “go home” before long.


Iwould like to wash away all filth piled upon me within100 year’s time before going home.


I have been leading a peaceful life in myown small world without getting a sense that “on top of the Taishan Mount you look down upon the whole world”. When I am pondering this my heart is as calm and serene as water. I would like to welcome every coming day and get ready togo home.


In this utterly materialized world it’s really bitter for us to live on. If you tend to be an honest guy who avoids any worldly competitions, the others would take advantage of you and bully you.


If you areslightly meritorious in talent and morality, the others would envy you and push you aside. If you are generous enough to give in, the others would attack you and harm you.


If you don’t want to compete against others, you should exterminate your desire while maintain your power for preparing to take part in a combat. If you would like to be harmonious with others, you have to deal with them first and get ready to suffer losses.

We indulge in play when we are kids. We are obsessed inlove when we are adolescents. We always endeavor to make ourselves famous and expert in our adulthood. And we soothe ourselves by cheating both you and me at the end of our lifetimes.


How long could the life of a human being be?

How much remained after raw iron being tempered into refined metals?


It’s unlikely that God would bestow all happiness to one person. Your love doesn’t assure your money, your money doesn’t assure you happiness, your happiness doesn’t assure your health and your health doesn’t assure that all your dreams would come true.


Always being contented is after all the best approach to refining intelligence and purifying mind. The appreciation of all sorts of happiness belongs to the realm of spirit. When the happiness turns endurance into enjoyment the spirit wins the material and this is the life philosophy.

One could obtain different level of self-cultivation and benefit after experiencing different level of toughness.

This is just like spice which is more fragrant when it is grinded finer. We used to be longing for the waves of our fate but eventually we realize that the most beautifulscenery in our life is a mindset of calmness and serenity.

We used to be eager to acquire acknowledgment from outside but to the end we get to know that the world is yours after all and it’s none of anybody else’s business.

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查看完整版本: 杨绛百岁感言中英对照:把忍受变享受