91talk 发表于 2021-4-12 13:12:34


Having a bad day once in a while is inevitable, but you don’t have to stay that way. Just follow the 10 tips as following to boost your mind.

Take a hot shower or bath.

A study from the International Journal of Stress Management proved that anxiety and depression decrease nearly a quarter after taking a bath with food-grade Epsom salts. You could also take a hot shower if you’re looking for a more invigorating pick-me-up.

Call someone you love.

We all have someone who can always cheer us up. Call them, and don’t worry too much about bothering them. The people you love will be there when you need them. Just try to remember that when they call you up at 3AM in tears next year.

Go outside.

It’s tempting to mope around inside all day when you’re feeling low. But study after study shows that getting out into nature improves our moods. Enjoy the gorgeous summer weather and take a 20-minute walk outside – with plenty of sunscreen, of course!

Watch your favorite TV show.

Some TV shows never fail to make us laugh, whether it’s The Office, Friends or How I Met Your Mother. Forget about your issues by getting lost in your favorite characters’ misadventures for 25 minutes.

Clean your apartment.

Having trouble clearing your mind? Try clearing the surfaces around you could help. Cleaning your apartment will distract you from your troubles with a productive, cathartic task. Crank up the music and have a solo dance party for even more mood-boosting benefits.

Work out.

When you’re feeling upset, working out is the last thing you want to do. But just five minutes of exercise triggers the release of endorphins, a hormone which can boost your mood for up to 12 hours. You don’t even have to hit the gym – try the 7 minute workout.

Read a good book.

In a 34-year-long study, happy people were 21% more likely to read a newspaper. But current events are often depressing, so why not lose yourself in a good book instead? Just skip the Game of Thrones and go for something a little more uplifting, like Tina Fey’s hilarious memoir Bossypants.

Take a nap.

When all you want to do is curl up in a ball and avoid the world for a while, try taking a nap. It’ll fulfill your antisocial tendencies and let you recharge for a little. Just make sure you do it in a way that won’t ruin your sleep that night.

Have sex.

It’s no surprise that an orgasm will improve your mood. Intensify the benefits by having a thrust in the morning, so the boost in oxytocin keeps you feeling lovey-dovey all day long.

Pamper yourself.

When was the last time you pampered yourself? If your answer is, “I can’t remember,” it’s time to take a little me time. Indulge in whatever your heart desires, whether that’s heading to a gun range or curling up in bed. And don’t forget to carve out an hour a day for yourself in the future. No matter how busy you are, it’s important to take care of yourself first.
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