明月 发表于 2020-9-17 15:30:53

看美剧学英语高频短语:Make it up to sb

Make it up to sb: To do something good for someone you have upset, in order to become friends with them again; To do something to show that you are sorry about the problems you have caused someone; To make amends to someone. As in I know you're disappointed about missing the movie, but I'll make it up to you.

中文释义:补偿,弥补(某人)。它可以被用于很多种情况,只要是自己觉得亏欠别人、对不起别人、或者认为自己做的没有到位都可以使用。举几个使用场景:1. 当有人邀请你一起做什么事儿,或是请求你的帮助,但你没有时间这么做。2. 当你本来都和其他人计划好了,却在最后临时改变主意。3. 当你不小心冒犯了其他人,想要表达深深的歉意。用“how can I make it up to you?”是在表达比 “sorry” 还要多的歉意。它的潜台词是 “我很抱歉做了不好的事儿,我想补偿、让事情变得好起来”。例句:We are sorry for the trouble caused. we will try our best to make it up to you. (我们很抱歉给您造成困扰,我们会尽全力补救。)

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