明月 发表于 2020-9-15 11:17:34

看美剧学英语高频短语:Cut out

Cut out: If an engine, machine, or piece of equipment cuts out, it suddenly stops working; To remove sth from a larger piece by cutting
cut sth out of sth; (of a person) leave quickly, especially so as to avoid a boring or awkward situation; If you tell someone to cut something out, you are telling them in an irritated way to stop it.

中文释义:cut out 核心意思是:把……分离、阻断。当 "cut out" 用于物品时是指:……不能正常运转,……被分离出来。当 "cut out" 针对人时是指:打断某人继续参与某事 。除此以外,Cut out for/to be是指适合……的意思,可以是某种工作、某些任务、职业、角色等。例句:He's cut out for playing cards because he's got an extraordinary memory .(他天生就是块打牌的料,因为他具备超常的记忆力。)

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