xiaobi2020 发表于 2020-8-9 09:33:00

看美剧学英语习语:Leave the door open

leave the door open: To maintain or create the possibility of doing something or something happening in the future; to not prevent something from taking place at some point; to provide for the possibility that something might happen. To allow the possibility of accommodation or change; be open to reconsideration.
As in The patent on the product has expired, which leaves the door open for other companies to make it.

中文释义:leave the door open。大家知道, door就是门, open是开着。To leave the door open就是把门开着,但是作为一个习惯用语,它的意思就是不排除任何可能性。比如说,美国大学一般规定报考的学生必须在一月或二月之前交上申请材料。可是有些大学在期限过后仍然接受申请。也就是说: they leave the door open for more applications。
例句:We parted ways, but we left the door open for working together again sometime.(我们分道扬镳了,但我们还是敞开了大门,希望有一天能再次合作。)

mail2keen 发表于 2020-8-12 01:42:21

谢谢, 学习了~~~~~~~~~~~
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