xiaobi2020 发表于 2020-8-9 09:25:32

看美剧学英语高频短语:To spare

to spare: Left over or more than you need; In addition to what is needed, extra, left over;If you have time, money, etc. to spare, you have more than you need; Used to indicate whether someone has more than enough of (something).
As in I had time to spare after I finished my math test.

中文释义:Spare, 指"备用的,多余的",比如我们说a spare tire,就是指"备用轮胎"。To spare, 的意思差不多,也是指"富余,过剩"。比如朋友的新房很大,东西都搬进去了还有rooms to spare, 几间屋子空着。例句: I had time to spare after I finished my math test.(完成数学考试后,我还有时间。)

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