xiaobi2020 发表于 2020-8-9 09:12:10

看美剧学英语高频短语:Sit around

Sit around: To spend time doing nothing usefuL; To spend time sitting down and doing very little;To waste time sitting or relaxing idly (in, at, or near some place); If you sit around or sit about, you spend time doing nothing useful or interesting.
As in He sits around and does nothing while I do all the work.

中文释义:Sit around闲坐;围坐;无所事事; 坐着没事干。周末没有节目时,我们会拿着手机坐或躺一天,不知道做什么事好,也没有什么事情可做,就是sit around所以,如果你sit around,就表示你在磨时间,什么有用的事,有趣的事都不干。
例句:She can't sit around and do nothing.(她总不能闲坐着无所事事呀。)

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