Fannie 发表于 2020-8-8 18:52:59

看美剧学英语实用句型:It's not like...

It's not like... : Usually a negative assumption is used to refute(反驳) the other person's previous statement or opinion. As in It's not like I have a spare in the car.

中文释义:It's not like...是一个带有假设语气的句式,相当于我们说的:(某人)又不是.../(某人)又不会.../(某人)又没有...通常是以一个否定的假设来反驳对方前面的陈述或观点。就像我们中文对话时,对方说“当心手机别掉在车上”,你回答“我又不是个马大哈”。例句:I mean, it's not like you were going anywhere.(我是说,你又没打算去哪。)

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