Fannie 发表于 2020-8-8 19:34:05

看美剧学英语习语:Anything goes

Anything goes: All things are accepted or acceptable; nothing is off-limits.Everything is permitted, as in You're wearing sneakers to the office?-Why not? Anything goes these days. This idiom began life as everything goes, which appeared in George Meredith's novel The Egoist (1879).

中文释义:“Anything goes”翻译过来是“皆可,都可以”的意思,或许对英语略有学习的人又会问:“是用Anything goes well”还是用“Anything goes down ”。答案也是皆可,都表示“都可以”的意思。想到这,我默然,不再暗暗调侃街上的路人。坠地成人后,任何事情都可能发生,任何心情都溜进我们的身体,低潮的时候不要看轻自己,享受时候不必惶恐,好好与自己相处,全然接受生命给的所有。

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