xiaobi2020 发表于 2020-8-1 13:16:27


本帖最后由 xiaobi2020 于 2020-8-1 13:29 编辑

Shotgun: a phrase called out by someone who claims the privilege of riding in a car's passenger seat. To ride in the front passenger seat, ride shotgun meanssit in the front seat next to the drive.
As in I want to ride shotgun so I don’t have to sit back there with those guys.

中文释义:shotgun:副驾驶位。riding shotgun 就是坐在副驾驶座位。 这种说法起源于美国西部历史,那时驾马车的人坐在右边,路上会经常有劫匪,所以,总要有一个人坐在左边副驾驶位置手里拿一杆枪,以防万一。从此以后,坐在车的副驾驶位子是就叫做ride shotgun。在美国这是一个坐车的人都喜欢的位子,所以如果有好几个人坐车的话,你要是想抢副驾驶的位子,就要call shotgun, 即:我坐副驾驶位子!

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