Fannie 发表于 2020-7-30 18:37:59

看美剧学英语习语:Get one's act together

本帖最后由 Fannie 于 2020-7-30 18:39 编辑

Get one's act together: to take action to become well-organized, prepared, or in a better state of life; to organize one's thoughts, often with the aim of regaining one's calm. As in I really need to get my act together before I go into the board meeting.

中文释义:从字面上理解,Get one's act together表示将 one's act 聚集到一块(get together),换句话说就是“集中”的意思。进一步可以理解为“集中精力,打起精神,有条有理地做某事,做好该做的事”等,与 get a grip, get a life, get real 表示相同的意思。例句:Get your act together!(给我振作起来!)

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