xiaobi2020 发表于 2020-7-16 16:35:45

看美剧学英语俚语:Blow one's brains out

blow one's brains out: To fatally shoot someone in the head; to kill someone by shooting them in the head. To try intently to resolve something difficult by thinking; try one's best to do something.
As in When he refused to hand over the money, the robbers threatened to blow his brains out.

中文释义:这里brains复数不是指的大脑,而是指的脑浆,Blow your brains out把脑浆打出来,朝脑袋开枪,打破脑袋。例句:Careful with that gun, or you'll blow your brains out.(小心你的枪,不然你会脑袋开花的。)另外一个意思是努力工作,苦干 。例句:Joe is not one to blow his brains out.(乔不是个肯卖力干活的人。) 引申几个跟blow有关的短语:Blow it! 搞砸了;blow up 使充气; 放大; 爆炸;blow off steam 放出多余的蒸汽; 花掉多余的精力; 发脾气;blow one's brains out 朝脑袋开枪;blow one's mind 令人产生幻觉; 令人十分震惊; 令人感到极度兴奋; 令人昏头;blow one's own horn 吹嘘; 自吹自擂;blow one's own trumpet 自吹自擂;blow one's top 发脾气。

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